Soul of the Rebels

For today I have to write a three-stanza, four lines per stanza, song. I can write one for either the Loyalists or the Rebels, I’ve decided to do one for the Rebels. Forgive me if it doesn’t sound right, I’m not the best at songwriting.

This is the start
Begin the Rebellion
Betrayed by our hearts
Sound the bells of resilience!

We thought we had it all
We thought they could not fall
We thought to rule ourselves
They betrayed us by their bills

This is the start
Sound the bells of Rebellion
Betrayed by our hearts
Begin the resilience!

Meet us on the Battlefield
Bleed us on the Summerfields
Hear the song of Rebellion
See the birth of a brand-new nation!

We stand United
(a brand-new nation)
In America
(a brand-new nation)
This is Rebellion!

Do You Have It

The question is, do you have what it takes to start a business? To be an Entrepreneur? Most people probably don’t, and some can’t even learn how. Entrepreneurs are people who can sell things, people who start businesses and learn and adapt. They’re people who make the world work for them. Someone said, “Work smarter, not harder” and Entrepreneurs live by that code.

An Entrepreneur doesn’t do the grunt work, they’re smart enough to get someone else to do that work for them. A concept in work is that the grunt workers want payment now and the people at the head of the pack want to make the most money for as long as possible. Schools prep you to work for someone else, they never nurture what you’re good at. If you’re good at speech but bad at math, you’ll be tutored in math, and not in speech. Schools were made to make grunts. In reality, we don’t need public schools anymore, state-mandated schooling ruins people.
An Entrepreneur doesn’t expect a regular paycheck, and allowances tend to make kids expect that. I was lucky enough to not have an allowance, but my parents did make my brother and I work for the money we get. Entrepreneurs know how to work the system to get money, they know the work they need to do to get to the point where they don’t need to work as hard anymore.

The question is, do we have what it takes to do this? Most people don’t. Most people, including me, are prepped to work for other people. But I had the opportunities to learn what it means to be an Entrepreneur, and I’ve learned how to be smart enough to work like that. I still lack the skills to see what the world needs and fill that gap with a product, but my school is teaching me how.

This is the benefit of homeschooling over public schooling, and it’s invaluable.


The question today comes from my economics class. Is it truly worth my time to get a part-time job? Now since I already have a part-time job, I am sure you already know the answer: yes. It is worth it. Why? Let me explain.

Life as a teenager is expensive, you need to get yourself things, be it video games or a car, and if you’re like me then your parents never gave you an allowance. If you wanted money, you either did something to get paid or you got it through birthdays or Christmas. Now not all people are raised this way, I know, but having a part-time job can be useful. It gives you skills and abilities as well as an appreciation of money and how valuable it can be.
Now I work at a hardware store, part-time in the winter, fall, and spring and full time in the summer. In my personal opinion, everyone should work at a hardware store at least for a year in their lifetime. I’ve learned valuable skills and gotten paid to learn these skills as well as do my job. Before this job, I was also a little socially inept, but dealing with customers and coworkers has slowly broken that shell.

It is worth my time to have a part-time job. Not only will it keep money in my pocket, but it also gives me valuable life lessons that I can utilize in other jobs.

Wilderness Views

John Cotton, John Winthrop, and Mary Rowlandson had varying views on the Puritan’s place in the wilderness, ranging from believing it was a fresh start to hating everything about it. First, however, what is the wilderness? It is simply a word describing a hardship or new experience, wild and untamed. It does not matter if the wilderness is an actual wilderness or not, the metaphor reaches out to the idea that the wilderness is an obstacle that we have to pass.

So how did John Cotton view the wilderness and the hardships of the Puritans? Cotton was a clergyman in England and wished Godspeed to the colonists, he did not believe he was needed just yet. It was his belief that the Puritans could have a place to call their own, a home for them in the New World. He wished to spread optimism and hope, assuring the colonists that the wilderness for them was indeed a blessing.

This is in stark contrast to Mary Rowlandson, who had been held captive by Natives for eleven weeks during King Philip’s War. She saw the Natives as savages, and always kept her mind on her scripture, being a woman of faith. She managed to stay hopeful through it all, comparing her life before captivity with her life in captivity, and though she was experiencing abuse, she managed to stay faithful to her Lord.

John Winthrop did not leave willingly. He was an English Puritan Lawyer and forced to move to the New World to escape prosecution for his Puritan practices, similar to what would happen to John Cotton. Winthrop wanted to keep the Puritan faith strong and would often compare what they were going through with the events of the exodus, which is a reasonable comparison. He saw the wilderness and uncertainty as an opportunity for him and the rest of the Puritans.

The wilderness is a scary place, and while it may be filled with uncertainty, these three authors understood that it was also filled with possibility. Opportunities to start again, separate from England. New things can be terrifying, but they usually reap the greatest of rewards.

Bradford’s Morals

William Bradford was an English Separatist leader and led people on the Mayflower to colonize America. On these travels, he wrote a book, a narrative of the Plymouth Plantation called Of Plymouth Plantation. This book focused on the hardships of the colonists and their struggles to survive in a strange new land, assisted (sometimes) by the natives. However, we ask this question today: Did he write this to teach morals to future generations, or are we looking too hard into it?

A fellow student of mine said:

The reason some people might ask some different questions is primarily because they take their own questions out of context. We shouldn’t be asking whether or not Bradford’s morals in the book were supposed to be an example of the correct morals for future generations in America because that’s not why he wrote the book. The book was an account of the hardships the colony encountered when trying to escape England. Anyone who read past the introduction would know that. This is once again a matter of people complaining about a book they haven’t read.

But I will dare to say that they are incorrect. Yes, the book is about hardships the colonists faced, but any story can teach a moral philosophy, regardless of what the original intention was. The question is still “Did this book teach morals” because in short, yes. It did. Any story, as I just said, can teach morals regardless of intent. The book itself describes hardships of the colonists to handle the world around them. “The future is uncertain.” The colonists would make plans, the plans would get upset. The same thing happens in our modern society as well. Our plans are in constant danger of falling through.
The value of peaceful communication is apparent as well, with cooperation between natives and animosity if they don’t cooperate. The separatists, that is the colonists, even left their homes and dared to live in hardship simply to properly worship their God. Yes, this is a tale of struggles, but it also teaches a stalwart stance in what you truly believe in. The book may not be meant to teach morals, but like any story talking about lessons learned, it still manages to teach morals.

Just because the book says that it’s about something else, doesn’t mean that it can’t have multiple themes or meanings within the pages, and this even disregards what the author may have intended to teach. As long as you learn something from an experience, it still teaches you even if the experience wasn’t meant to do that originally.

War for Profit?

Politicians in any world are always looking to make money. They can’t stand not exploiting any cheat they can to get any sort of gain. That’s why corrupted officials, that is most officials, support ideas of war. Today we were asked, in essence, a question on Pearl Harbor and FDR’s knowledge of an incoming Japanese strike. Why did he know, but not warn us?

There are some varied answers to this. The easiest and the one most people would blindly accept is that he did not want the American people to panic about being a part of World War II, however, the one I think is more accurate is that he wanted to join the war. You see, for some reason, politicians believe war gives them profit, and they aren’t wrong. War means weapons. War means a potential win. War is war. The sacrifice of the men and women of Pearl Harbor will never be forgotten. FDR had been positioning troops closer and closer to Axis controlled waters and land for a very long time, itching to join the battle but not able to legally. Then the Japanese bombed Pearl Harbor, and we hit then twice with an Atom Bomb.

Then there’s the Cuban Missile Crisis. We narrowly avoid that, thanks to the vote of a single man, Vasili Alexandrovich Arkhipov. Thanks to Vasili, we aren’t living in a real world Fallout 3, but it seems like we’re inching to towards another crisis. Russian TV has, allegedly, been showing targets that Russia will attack, targets on American soil. Then there’s the fact that tensions with the country are tight, with Russia blaming America and Trump for the negative press from the media. If they would just stop investigating a Russian Collusion and let us have peace with other countries.
But we need an enemy. There has to be someone to fight, at all times, or else weapons manufacturers lose money and so do politicians.

Here’s what I don’t get though. If you make a lot of money, then cause a nuclear war thinking you’ll get even richer, you’re just screwing yourself over. Money is useless in an apocalypse. All that matters is the supplies to stay alive. War is not profit. War is the destruction of human society. It’s the sword to strike the weakening shield of reasonable discourse. Humanity is held high for our ability to reason, funny how we never seem to use it.

Don’t Vote for Politicians

We all can basically unanimously agree that politicians are liars. They tell us what we want to hear, then do the exact opposite when they get what they want. Yet for some reason the people who say that they understand this the most still fight to vote for people like Nancy Pelosi or Hillary Clinton, or that Communist Moron Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez. These people who keep trying to get into office, and sometimes do, are politicians guilty of Front-Loading and Political Engineering, however calling Cortez a politician is being a little over optimistic about her abilities as a politician, let alone a human being.

So what is Front-Loading? Well that’s when someone over promises in order to get what they want. Examples would be Obama or Hillary Clinton, more specifically Obama though. He promised to strengthen border security, stop illegal immigration, help black minorities and help bring America out of different wars. What did he do instead? None of that, in fact crime would see an increase, more money would be used to fund war operations and black minorities were not helped, in fact their state of living got worse, forcing them into welfare wells. Obama promised things he knew he wouldn’t do so he could have the comfort of a king, golfing while his people suffered under broken laws.
Now, people have started to see this Front-Loading and have began to figure out how to avoid those false politicians, so the politicians fall back on Political Engineering. What’s this? Well it’s not mechanical engineering for sure. It’s where politicians lie about the price or outcome of a bill or policy they want to pass. They get other politicians and citizens to agree with them but then when it’s passed they realize how horrible it really was, kinda like Obamacare. It sounded like the perfect socialist healthcare option, which is still stupid but that’s not the point, Obamacare did not end up being the solution so many people thought they wanted. In fact, it was a required crutch. If you didn’t have it you were taxed heavily, but if you had it, it wasn’t worth it.

Now, some people accuse politicians for doing all this and for the most part they are correct. That’s why we shouldn’t vote for politicians anymore. America took a giant step forward when we voted in Donald Trump as president. Why? Because he isn’t a politician, he is a business man and he’s running America like a business, not like a political machine that generates money and sleazy success. Trump has fulfilled a lot of his promises over his current three year term. Hopefully this year he gets the wall built, but the point is he didn’t do any Front-Loading or Political Engineering. Trump has been working hard trying to get everything he wants done, done. Democrats just keep standing in his way.
They don’t want him to win because he isn’t working for them. He needs to win, though. If he doesn’t, then socialism and communism will reign in America. Why are these bad? Because they ruin the economy. Soviet Russia is an excellent showcase of this, but after it failed people still tried to make those policies work? Why, why try when it has killed so many already? Power, wealth and control. That’s all big time politicians care about. Clinton doesn’t want to help the American people, neither does Obama. I actually believe Ocasio-Cortez thinks she’s being clever, but that just makes it worse if she isn’t working for the globalist cause.
After Soviet Russia fell, China tried their hand at Communism. In 1949, Chinese Communists killed around 65 million people in their own country. Heck, even a few years ago the Chinese government murdered a courtyard of college students protesting for democracy, then blamed it on Americans. My mom was in China at the time. All private life was monitored, you were not allowed to own anything on your own. No clothes, necklaces, or land. Everything belonged to the government, on threat of death.

Control. Power. Wealth. These are the three core things central to a politician. They want to control you, they want power over you and they wanna get paid for it. So why not make them pay? Stop voting for politicians, stop letting slugs into the cogs of America. Vote for Americans, vote for the small people, coming off farms or from self started businesses, people who genuinely want to make America a better place for the future.
In short, vote for Trump’s policies, vote for his ideas and vote for him in 2020, so we can Keep America Great.

Six is The Deadliest Number

The 1960’s to 1970’s were a dangerous time for people. Not only was America facing a proxy-war for Vietnam, but it was also facing a shift in ideology, the whole world was as long as a skyrocketing homicide and crime rate.

If you want to know when the ideologies that plague our people in this modern day and age started to seed themselves into society, look no further than the 1960’s to the 70’s. There was an increase in Social Justice Literature, that is to say, Left Literature. Deconstructionism became popular as well. This was basically the break down of text to find a meaning the author may, but probably didn’t, have meant. Generally scholars would break this down in relation to Marxism, Socialism, feminism, gender bias, elitism and others. All these -ism’s on their own are subsidiaries of Marxism and all usually look to a government body to solve problems that should be handled by the people of the country.
There was also the dumbing down of culture in public schools. They had become a drug, keeping people satisfied and obedient. I imagine that during these years we would have seen the fall of the normal Hero character in films and books, looking back to the increasingly common SJW literature, I think we can assume that the protagonists of stories got less and less flawed, becoming perfect representations of what the people wanted to see. Which were “heroes” that never really had to overcome odds, not real ones in any case. I do know that characters like this exist in a disgusting abundance these days and whatever character flaws you think they have are not flaws at all. Current characters, such as Captain Marvel or Ms. Marvel, are showcased as having their flaws be their gender or race, then using those things as strengths, and those items should not be the entirety of a character’s identity, or even the entirety of a normal human beings identity. It’d be like being gay and making everything in your life revolve around that fact, it becomes your only character trait.
In any case, the 60’s and 70’s saw the rise of the Welfare State, which would help create a permanent underclass and ended the rising rate of wellbeing. This was, in short terms, a war on the poor, forcing them to stay poor as politicians got more and more money. These times re-wrote countries, and not for the good in a lot of ways. From a so called sexual revolution to the creation of the welfare state, this was a time we would not miss, but it has impacted our modern lives greatly.

We must hope that it doesn’t take us until the 2060’s and 70’s to correct the mistakes made in the 1960’s and 70’s. Hopefully, if people can get their heads on straight, we will be able to fix our nation and live for the better.

The Federal Bank is Stupid & Should Go Away

I’m no fan of the federal bank system, I mean they are why we have inflation, they’re why our money is next to worthless! Money used to mean something, a promise of goods, a promise of gold and now it’s just paper. Actually, it’s not even paper, it’s linen.

So, where did money even come from? I mean, how the heck does owning a one dollar bill mean that I own a dollars worth of gold? Well money used to not exist, instead it was trade and barter, with the addition of valuables like silver or gold. Hold up, why those metals? They’re uncommon, hard to come by, wouldn’t it be better to use something that you can actually get use out of, like meat, fur or butter? Well you’re right, but you’re also wrong. We used special metals not only because of their rarity, but also because of their durability. With a simple silver coin, achieved through the trading of say, corn, you could get a bit of fur. Sure it might be easier to trade the corn for fur directly, but maybe the trader doesn’t want corn. But a silver coin can be anything, it’s like a wild card. Money eventually became more and more popular and soon the gold and silver was replaced with paper and recently with credit cards.
This slow growth into new and easier systems is why a government can’t come in and say “this money is worth such and such, use it” because no one is gonna believe them, and they’ll just go back to trading what they traded before. This is assuming the government isn’t evil and trying to control your very lives.
Let’s look at price controls, because why do I hate the federal bank, and more importantly, why should you? Well the federal bank looks at a problem, say prices or the amount of money it has, and simply prints money to fit the problem. But then a new problem arises, inflation. Well, what’s inflation? Well, inflation is when you get money, and things get more expensive because there is more money. Let’s use the simple example of a bidding war. Everyone is trying to get the same painting and they all have access to a thousand dollars, the price won’t exceed one thousand. Now give everyone a million dollars, suddenly it’s going to get so much worse, the price is going to keep going up and up and up, because they have more of this simple resource, so using more than before isn’t exactly a problem. They lose respect for what money stands for, and that’s what the federal bank does. In fact, they’ve printed so much imaginary money that they literally do not have enough gold in Fort Knox to support the amount.
This is why gas prices go up, why increasing minimum wage is a bad thing. Minimum wage is low for a reason, you cannot live off of it alone, you need a real job to survive. People however, want to do the bare minimum and stick with that. If minimum wage increases, so will prices of gas, taxes and everyday items. Eventually inflation will get so bad that the entire economy will collapse and you’ll be using your life savings to buy a loaf of bread, because the value of money is so little. A dollar today is not worth the same as a dollar from a hundred years ago. It’s worth so much less, a penny is essentially worthless at this point.
Most money is, since it’s not even made with valuable material, because they don’t have enough material to make it valuable.

The Federal Bank is bad. We need to End the Fed, Lock up the Banksters. They should never have been bailed out of their debt, by the government (under Barroth Obama’s rule) when the housing crash happened in the early 2000’s. If they were allowed to go bankrupt, if the big huge evil banks vanished, it would leave a vacuum for better and more honest banks, separate from the federal bank. We need less government control, not more.

The Allies Win: Brutality

Here we ask a question, did World War II get more violent and brutal as time went on? Was this brutality only on one side? Uneducated people would say yes. They would be wrong.

All sides of the war got more and more brutal as the war drew on. Hitler and his Nazi’s decided that genocide was the only answer to their problem, however what people fail to mention is the fact that it wasn’t just the Jews that experiences a holocaust. It was anyone who was different from Hitler’s view, Jews, socialists and the like. Hitler would take their weapons, making them unable to fight back against the oppressive force, and then murdered them all. Men, women and children. No one was safe.
Japanese war camps were brutal as well, and that brutality translated to the American bombing of Japan after Pearl Harbor. Each side wanted to win, and they would do whatever bloody act they needed to do in order to succeed.

Brutality is not uncommon in humanity. People say a human trait is sympathy, will or even love, but I would say that another staple of humanity is our capacity for violence and our need for control. Look at France and Paris (circa 2018). They, stupidly, voted in a socialist/globalist/communist leader and are suffering for it, people are dying in the streets as they try to fight for their country, wrestling it back from darkness.
I’m afraid for the future of America. If it stays on a socialist track, our country will fall too far for saving and it will be up to the people of America to fight for the constitution, again. How much blood will be spilt before the Democrats and idiots in California realize what they’re doing is wrong?

Like all wars, a future one will only get more and more brutal before it gets any better. Prepare yourself, load your guns, war is coming. And war? War never changes.